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About the company

ANDREALAN has its headquarters in the city of São Ludgero, which is approximately 150 km from the capital of the State of Santa Catarina. This peaceful municipality’s economy is based on the plastics and recycling industries.
Andrealan was founded in 1999 by Valentin Baschirotto, its initial activity was the trade and processing of cereals and the sale of ingredients for animal feed. Always conquering new customers with hard work and establishing strong partnerships in the agricultural market.
In 2009, the company expanded its horizons and became a feed and concentrate industry for cattle, horses, chickens, laying birds, rabbits, pigs, in mashed and pelleted forms.
In an expansion phase in 2014, still in São Ludgero, the company began to carry out its activities in a new address, with larger space, with more machine technologies, greater stock capacity and truck traffic, today our headquarters has modern office, private parking for employees and clients, and strategically better located.
We are proud to be able to contribute economically to our municipality, growing side by side with the agricultural and PET sector, with ethics and environmental awareness.


Produce quality food that provides results for animal nutrition. Ensuring our commitment to competitive marketing, aiming for customer satisfaction.


To be the customer's first choice at the time of purchase, recognized for quality, respect for the environment and participatory growth in the market.


Product quality. Sustainable development. Innovation and stimulation of new ideas. Respect for customers, suppliers and employees.


Produzir alimentos de qualidade, que proporcionem resultados à nutrição animal. Garantindo o nosso comprometimento com a comercialização competitiva, visando a satisfação do cliente.


Ser a primeira escolha do cliente na hora da compra, reconhecida pela qualidade, respeito ao meio ambiente e crescimento participativo no mercado.


Qualidade dos produtos. Desenvolvimento sustentável. Inovação e estímulo à novas ideias. Respeito aos clientes, fornecedores e colaboradores.

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